Remembering the kindness and generosity of Terry Venables | Terry Venables

The sad death of Terry Venables (Obituary, November 26) has already rightly attracted many tributes. Perhaps less well known is his extensive commitment to charitable causes and his immense generosity to those less fortunate than himself.

I was fortunate to work with him for seven years starting in 1999, when he volunteered to help fund our research into severe burns, transplants and surgical reconstruction at Northwick Park Hospital and the struggling Northwick Park Institute for Medical Research (NPIMR ) to help. Together with a team of celebrities and athletes he assembled and led, he raised enormous sums of money and helped fund two other successful surgical research institutes as well as NPIMR (now the Griffin Institute).

I was also lucky enough to help him a little with his important work with children and unemployed boys in the Rhondda Valley, where he used his own pocket to fund youth clubs with a particular focus on football. His generosity was unconditional and he never sought praise for his altruism. It was always a great experience accompanying him on his travels to Wales as he was such a funny person.
Prof Colin Green
The Griffin Institute

In 1985, aged 87, my father – a lifelong Everton fan despite being from Cornwall – was seriously ill but made it to the FA Cup final at Wembley. After the game, which Everton won, he was waiting on a seat outside for me to pick him up. Terry Venables went to him and offered to take him to the Golden Hind in Penzance in Paddington and also offered him tea. An example of how random acts of kindness can change lives. Dad almost moved to Spurs and Terry became a friend for the remaining months.
Timothy James
Penzance, Cornwall

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