Pinto apologizes to Senators fans and teammates after suspension

Ottawa Senators forward Shane Pinto apologized to fans and teammates in a statement after the NHL suspended him for 41 games for violating the league’s gambling policy.

“I would like to apologize to the National Hockey League, the Ottawa Senators, my teammates, the fans and the city of Ottawa and most importantly my family,” Pinto said in the statement. “I take full responsibility for my actions and look forward to getting back on the ice with my team.”

According to an NHL statement, Pinto was suspended “for activities related to sports betting.” Sportsnet’s Elliotte Friedman was the first to report the suspension.

The senators also issued a statement about the suspension, saying Pinto had “made poor decisions” and was “remorseful for his mistakes.”

The team’s full statement:

“We have been made aware of the National Hockey League’s investigation into this matter and additional information was provided to the club following the conclusion of the league’s investigation yesterday.

“Shane is a valued member of our hockey club; a driven, intelligent young man who made poor decisions that resulted in a suspension from the National Hockey League. We know he regrets his mistakes.

“The Ottawa Senators fully support the NHL gambling rules. While the entire organization is saddened to learn of this issue, it remains committed to Shane and will work together to do whatever is necessary to provide him with the support that will enable him to address his issues and be a strong contributor to ours to become community.

“When the time is right and we have the blessing of the league, we will welcome him back to the organization and embrace him as one of our own.”

Pinto is a restricted free agent and has yet to play in a game this season.

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